Saturday, August 16, 2008

First Day of School

School started on Thursday, 14th, but Madison stayed home with a fever and stomach ache. She did go on Friday and was very excited about going to school. When I picked her up after school, she said that her teacher, Ms. Ucman, was very nice and pretty. Ms. Ucman graduated from college in 2006. Big difference from Mrs. Schulteis last year.

Monday, August 4, 2008

It's Hot

Well what do you do on a sunday morning when it is unbearably hot, you turn on the sprinklers. And then you come inside and make your own music videos with your webcam.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Its a bird, no, a plane, no, its Super Taylor!

Taylor was invited to a birthday party and when I RSVP's I was informed that it was a costume, specifically superheros, party. So, last Saturday afternoon while Madison was at a swimming party, Taylor and I went to Hobby Lobby. Taylor got to pick out her cape, mask and belt fabric. She chose a picked pokadotted pink fleece for her came and mask and then the shiny pink fabric for her belt. I created a Super T logo out of the pink and blue felt. I tried to get her in a motion shot, but she was ready to go to the party and did't really want to run around the yard. She had a good time at her party, it was on a Tuesday 6-7:30pm, odd time for a party, but just about everyone from her class was there.